Digital Editing

Our Digital Editing & Forensic Audio Restoration Services is where we get into your material at a more detailed level. We offer noise reduction and removal, click/pop elimination, spectrum filtering, instrument tuning, audio encoding and more. This is where today’s digital tools really allow us to do things that were once impossible. Having come from the school of analog gear and tape machines. We had limitations and barriers that are now a thing of the past. You can do just about anything with your digital audio these days. And not to mention the ability to Undo an action and get back to where you started with no damage to the material. We all know how priceless that is.


  • Noise Reduction/Removal

  • Click/Pop Elimination

  • Time Stretching (w/o changing key)

  • Vocal/Instrument Tuning

  • Spectrum Analysis & Frequency Filtering

  • Audio Encoding for various digital formats



With the ever growing use of technology and VOIP solutions there is more and more data being captured/recorded in all areas of business and in life. Many times, for the sake of bandwidth, these recordings are not of the highest quality and are low fidelity recordings. Sometimes the need arises where one might need these recordings cleaned up so they are more intelligible. This is where forensic audio restoration comes in to play. Through filtering, noise removal, hiss removal and other techniques we can strip away the noise and bring the conversation or noise of interest more in to focus…. thus revealing what’s actually being said or heard. We do this through the following methods.

  • Noise Reduction/Removal

  • Click/Pop Elimination

  • Spectrum Analysis & Frequency Filtering

Not only can we restore and increase intelligibility of voice recordings but we can also bring life back to those old cassette and reel to reel recordings. The days of using cassette tapes are long gone but many times we still have old archived tapes laying around in a closet that need to be cleaned up and transferred into the digital domain. This is something we can help with. Contact Us for more information.