Welcome to AudioIntegrity.com! We’re an online audio mastering and audio mixing business serving bands, musicians, independent labels, and more for two decades. Our remote online audio mastering and mixing is the perfect solution for any project, anywhere in the world, that needs professional hands without the expense of travel and time loss. We’ll provide test files every step of the way to make sure we’re listening and achieving the final sound you’re looking for. At AudioIntegrity.com we’re passionate about getting it right and making our clients happy. Contact Us today for a free mastering sample or to discuss your project.

Audio Mastering
Online audio mastering from AudioIntegrity uses a digital approach these days. We’ve cycled through untold amounts of analog gear over the decades, but now we work solely “in-the-box”. We utilize the Sequoia platform along with an array of high-quality internal DSP along with our Universal Audio plugins platform.

Audio Mixing
Our online audio mixing services offer the ability to have your music professionally mixed remotely via the internet. You can easily sit back in YOUR familiar listening environment and be part of the process. We’ll mix your music and then provide final approval files all online through our DropBox or SYNC file sharing service.

Digital Editing
AudioIntegrity can perform many digital editing tasks from tuning vocals, noise and artifact removal and cleaning, trimming and comping tracks to format conversion, audio encoding, and MFiT files for iTunes, If you have specific editing tasks please don’t hesitate to contacts us so we can discuss your project.

Request a One-Song Mastering Sample
We offer a one-song mastering test run so you can submit a song and see how our mastering will sound. Click on the Request Sample button, submit the form and we’ll contact you back with details.